What's New?
Books for Multimedia
Multimedia Courses
Multimedia Resources
Managing Multimedia

What's New About the Second Edition


Online perspectives
Management principles and examples of online projects are now included throughout the book - notably in Chapter 3, Scoping the project, there's a complete section devoted to the questions that should be raised at initial client meetings. In Chapter 4, The proposal, you're walked through how to respond and interpret the information you've gathered at the initial meetings in order to refine it into a proposal for online production. Hybrid web/CD projects are also addressed.

Choosing the platform
The advice on the factors to consider have been extended to include online, offline and hybrid projects.

The treatment and interface design
Online projects will have different constraints from offline projects that will affect the treatment and interface design. These chapters now reflect these possibilities.

Team management chapters
How you select your production team has been expanded to look at the skill sets needed for online production.
A new section describes research into creative teams and discusses the relevance of the findings for multimedia team management.

The asset management chapters
The extra considerations for producing for online systems have been integrated into the existing chapters.

The legal chapters
The two chapters on contracts and the chapter on copyright and intellectual property have been updated to take account of the implications of the World Wide Web.

A completely new chapter, Marketing and Marketing Research, introduces basic concepts of marketing and explains their relevance for the multimedia project manager. The end of the chapter gives pointers to various sites that show reports on offer for new media markets.

The future
There's a new section at the end of the book that predicts newer technologies that might become important parts of the new media mix. This section will be updated on the web site.

Colour Section
There's a four page colour section in the middle of the Interface chapter showing examples of screen designs for on and offline products.

New graphics
More graphics have been added throughout the book to help with interpreting some of the abstract concepts.

Larger glossary
The new concepts introduced in the new material have been captured and integrated into the glossary making more comprehensive.

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